February 17, 2011
I wonder if I'm ever going to get used to the ups and downs of missionary work! The highs are so high and the lows get pretty low.
Last Sunday we had 7 investigators and church. This week we had 2. Luis's baptismal date got pushed back to this Saturday.
And Marlene and Kevin refused to see us. We don't exactly know what happened. At first is was amazing, she loved church and agreed with all the values. Then, two days ago, we went to see them and her mom said they were busy, we asked if we could help or come back later and she just said...no. No excuses even, just said no.
We don't know what happened, but we are hoping to find out this week. and then there is yesterday!
So I had my first baptism!!!! I'd send pictures, but i don't have any! This week we set the baptism for Mario and Ricardo on Sunday at 2 pm...
They came to sacrament meeting and right after church we went to find them, but we couldn't.
So we visited a few others and at 1:30 pm we went to their house... They weren't there. We had no idea where they could have gone. We went to the church. Not there. We sent a few of their friends to go find them, we finally left the chapel at 3:30 pm... They hadn't come.
We went by their house later, but still there was no one. So we went about the rest of the day.
Slightly discouraged... at 8 we went to a members house where we were informed that Ricardo had been baptized!?!?!
Apparently he showed up at the chapel at 5 and the bishop said that he would come back at 7 if he wanted to be baptized. So he did. Nobody told us! And the only people there were the bishop and two witnesses.
Hna. Bermudez was MAD! but I feel pretty peaceful about it. I think its sad that nobody was there to support him, but I'm glad he's baptized.
Mario is getting baptized on Saturday and we are making Ricardo dress up in white too so we can take pictures! :)
And here it is:
This week we are going to focus on service. On Thursday we are going to spend the whole day finding people to serve and hopefully teach! I'll tell you how it goes :) Please keep us in your prayers! And our investigators, especially Luis and Mario!
About letters
On a side note...about letters. Sorry. Pouch only works and certain way and I'm not exactly sure what that way is...my address is (the one that works every time) is:
Hermana Cassandra PappasI love you. God loves you. what else really matters?
Misión El Salvador San Salvador Oeste/Belice
Boulevard del Hipodromo 537
Colonia San Benito
Apartado Postal 367
San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A.