Hey! I have a new blog, thank you Hernan :)
So this is it! I have been called to serve the people in the El Salvador, San Salvador West/Belize Mission. I report to the Provo MTC Wednesday, Decebember 1st.
It is so hard for me to express how excited I am for this opportunity. When people asked me wh
ere I thought I was going to be called I didn't know how to answer, anybody who knows me knows I would want to go somewhere new, somewhere foreign, preferably somewhere I would learn a new language. I wanted this so badly that I have spent the last couple months preparing myself to serve somewhere like Minnesota, or Wisconsin. I didn't realize I had actually convinced myself I would stay in the U.S. until I opened my mission call. When I read where I was going I couldn't believe it, I couldn't even breathe. This is exactly where I want to go...I didn't think that happened with mission calls...
After the initial shock of my call I started to get nervous, as this is someplace completely different than my home. I don't know the language, I don't know the people, and I don't know the culture. However, when I am taken from the life I know now and placed in a life that is not my own, he will guide me, protect me, and help me make El Salvador my home. I know its going to take a lot of faith for me to jump, but as I do, I know he will catch me. In fact, it has already started.
Mari Mitchell, an amazing woman in my home ward from Colombia, has already started to give me Spanish lessons. A few years ago a boy from my homeward served in my mission and is going to show me pictures and answer questions. Also a boy from my sister's ward served in San Salvador West and I will get to talk to him. The Lord has surrounded me with resources and has given me time to truly prepare for my mission.
People say I have a long time to wait, but as the days slip by I am realizing more and more that I have so much to do before I go. I am hoping to read the entire Book of Mormon in English in the next couple months and then start it again and read it side by side with a Spanish copy. I hope to read through Preach my Gospel and have at least an idea of how to organize a study journal. I need to strengthen my testimony and my faith in the Lord and his will. From the moment I step into the field I want to be ready to be an instrument in the hands of God. I pray for the strength and the faith to do so.
So this is it! I have been called to serve the people in the El Salvador, San Salvador West/Belize Mission. I report to the Provo MTC Wednesday, Decebember 1st.
It is so hard for me to express how excited I am for this opportunity. When people asked me wh
After the initial shock of my call I started to get nervous, as this is someplace completely different than my home. I don't know the language, I don't know the people, and I don't know the culture. However, when I am taken from the life I know now and placed in a life that is not my own, he will guide me, protect me, and help me make El Salvador my home. I know its going to take a lot of faith for me to jump, but as I do, I know he will catch me. In fact, it has already started.
Mari Mitchell, an amazing woman in my home ward from Colombia, has already started to give me Spanish lessons. A few years ago a boy from my homeward served in my mission and is going to show me pictures and answer questions. Also a boy from my sister's ward served in San Salvador West and I will get to talk to him. The Lord has surrounded me with resources and has given me time to truly prepare for my mission.
Your welcome! You are going to be an AMAZING missionarie, Learn spanish fast so we can start talking about people in spanish... :)
ReplyDeleteTe quiero mucho!